美國作家懷特(E.B. White)的兩部傳世之作是與史壯克教授「合著」的《英文寫作指南》(The Elements of Style),以及曾經被改編成電影、舞台劇、卡通片和電子遊戲的兒童小說《夏洛特的網》(Charlotte's Web)。然而對此時此刻的香港人,懷特寫於七十一年前、最近再版發行的小書(也可以說是評論,全文只有七千字)《這裏是紐約》(Here is New York)也許更能引起共鳴。 一九四八年紐約的夏天熱浪逼人,但燃燒著懷特的不是高溫,而是他對紐約的熱情。他一個人躲在一家沒有空調的酒店房間內,用三天時間寫完一封給這個城市的情書。
文章發表後,紐約的兩大文化重鎮《紐約時報》和《紐約客》皆驚為天人,譽之為史上有數、真正讀懂甚至看透紐約的優秀書寫。 我在紐約只待過半年,沒有資格以紐約客自居,但今日重讀《這裏是紐約》,竟在懷特筆下的紐約看到了香港,有種「忽聞故人入夢來」的熟悉和親切。
"The city has to be tolerant, otherwise it would explode in a radioactive cloud of hate and rancor and bigotry."
"Mass hysteria is a terrible force, yet New Yorkers seem always to escape it by some tiny margin: they sit in stalled subways without claustrophobia, they extricate themselves from panic situations by some lucky wisecrack, they meet confusion and congestion with patience and grit–a sort of perpetual muddling through."
"Many of its settlers are probably here merely to escape, not face, reality."
"It can destroy an individual, or it can fulfill him, depending a good deal on luck. No one should come to New York to live unless he is willing to be lucky."